Trained technicians
Our staff is available throughout the year with Extended winter hours and Summer maintenance programs 952.888.7372
Track, Inc. is your Midwest source for genuine Tucker parts. We carry a complete inventory for all model years. Call us today with your serial number and the parts will be shipped tonight.
I don’t know what parts I need. We are here to help. Track, Inc. has a service staff available to troubleshoot your problems and identify the parts for you.
Jeremy: 952.888.7372
Jean: 802.334.7779
Darrell: 952.888.7372
Josh: 802.334.7779

We do it all; from troubleshooting – to field work – to a full vehicle service that includes pick up and delivery.
Our staff of licensed mechanics works on all makes and models. They will take care of your warranty issues, provide a summer service, train your drivers, answer your questions, and even share your ideas with the manufacturer. Good maintenance = Higher trade value.
Would you like to learn how to do maintenance on our equipment?
Track Inc. offers service schools each year to customers who want to know more. We have not set the place or date for this years class – so please let us know if we should teach a class in your area.
A few of the topics to be discussed;
- Introductions, History
- What’s New for 2021 model year:
- Operation and Safety
- Proper Fluids and Filters
- Service points on Vehicle and schedule
- Ordering of parts and the need for line sheets and S/N
- Vehicle Storage
- Driveline, Suspension, Carriers and Steering
- Transfer Case – Hands on
- Carrier – Hands on
- Differential – Hands on
- T Case Servicing – Hands on
- Diploma handout
Afternoon open to your questions.
Lunch and Snacks provided